College Funding and Financing

One of my passions is using my educational funding skills to help families across the country better manage their children's college journey.  Financial planning for college requires more than saving money and hoping for the best.  It requires understanding higher education's commercial landscape and what specific colleges will offer you given your family's finances.  We conduct data-intensive research and inform that knowledge with what happens on the "front lines" as applicants interact with colleges.  This gives us direct insight into the college marketplace so we can help you manage your child's college search effectively from a financial standpoint.  

I provide help not just with taking full advantage of 529 accounts (few people do so), but with helping families build college lists based on actual college costs, maximizing financial aid awards, advise on the new student loan forgiveness programs now in place, and troubleshoot money questions that come up in what is a very complex, diverse higher education landscape.  

Lean on us for our expertise so you spend the sum of money you WANT to spend.


Click here to schedule an inrtoductory 30-minute conference call to ask questions and learn more.