401(k) Plans
Contact us if you own a small business, including professional practices like law or medicine, or are self-employed and want to implement a retirement savings plan or enhance your current one.
- The retirement plan landscape is rapidly changing. Make sure you are taking advantage of recently introduced provisions that can save you money.
- As a small business owner, you can significantly accelerate the process of savings for retirement, both for your employees, your partners and yourself, through expanded 401k and retirement plan features. Consult with us to see if one of these options fits your business.
- Retirement plan providers are introducing increasingly efficient -- and inexpensive -- plan options with many features that help your coworkers access a wide variety of funds and use tools to plan their savings and retirement goals. These can help you materially increase your tax-advantaged savings rates. Ensure your provider is giving you and your co-workers state-of-the-art service.
- The new SECURE Act provisions sharply decreases the cost of implementing a new 401k plan. In some cases, it will cost nothing on net to set one up.
Let us help you set a plan up, convenientiy and efficiently, and you and your coworkers can benefit from upgraded 401k features.
Click here to schedule a free introductory phone call or Zoom below.